We seek for nourishment to appease our aches within us, wondering if we will ever truly be satisfied. So we stand between the before and after, holding together our very existence in the hands of whoever we believe in. And once we start walking down the path we wait to see what comes our way and when we see that is not yet here, we keep walking, searching, following our old souls brick by brick, step by step.
Can victory really be attainable, or is it false hope that decides its very own finality when we reach the end of the road? Do we still hope, as we keep walking, that even though nothing seems to go our way, that that which we seek is awaiting us somewhere near the end?
Humankind is a distinctive yet fragile animal, its empathy towards others alike is tested as it walks through the untraveled road. When we run into someone blocking our path do we choose to yield or do we choose to eliminate? Can we empathize with the ones blocking our view of what lies ahead? Or do we choose to avoid surrender and begin to cast them aside?
Old habits never die, they just remain in our lives like wandering ghosts at a factory house. They follow us, they haunt us, they lead us, unknowingly towards what we seek. We might think we are done with them, but in reality, they are never done with us.
So as a habitual creature of the night we continue to repeat, to live, to die, to search, to want, to crave, to find.
We hurt, we lie, we cheat, we force, we break, we build.
We survive.
By any.