Technology vs Humanity
"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."
How often have we chased the dream of progress, only to see that dream perverted?
We were cold so we harnessed fire; we were weak so we invented tools. Every time we met an obstacle, we used creativity and ingenuity to overcome it. The cycle is inevitable, but will the outcome always be good?
More often than not, haven’t the machines we’ve built to improve life shattered the lives of millions? Freedom; to those who don’t have it, it’s more valuable than gold. But where should it start and end? We humans often think we have the right to expand, absorb, convert, or possess anything we need to reach our dreams. But time and time again, hasn’t this led to conflicts with others who essentially believe the same thing?
Absolute freedom is no better than chaos. Society needs laws and regulations to protect it. Without control there is no room for freedom, only anarchy. Morality can become our saving grace. If we want freedom to become more than we are, we can’t be blinded by a misguided morality. In the past, we’ve had to compensate for weaknesses, finding quick solutions that only benefit the few. We need to keep our values in mind, knowing our actions can affect others. We need to resist the urge to abuse power and resources simply to reach our goals more swiftly. Society needs boundaries if it has any hope of surviving.
There’s a difference between order and slavery. Human nature is the only thing we have that gives us moral compass, and the social skills we need to live in peace. Destroy it and you destroy our very species. We need to hang on to our humanity keeping in mind the temptation to ignore it will always be there. Humanity's belief that technological advancement has barely scratched the surface of its potential will drive it towards extinction. Technology offers strength, strength enables dominance, and dominance paves the way for abuse. Using technology to become something more than we are risks losing our ability to love, aspire, or make moral choices – the very things that make us human. It also risks giving some men the power to make others what they choose, regardless of the cost to human dignity.
For humanity to survive this century, it must abandon ill-conceived notions about transcendence and embrace change. And change never comes without pain.
Most of the text in the above entry is taken from the video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution; it should be noted copyright infringement is not done on purpose. All rights of the above statement belong to the creators of the game along with the writers and the voice over for the character of Adam Jensen. I claim no ownership to the above ideas, but to the few words I've included and therefore I choose to praise the above statement. It is a great inspirational quote(s).