Crash My Party
"There are times in our lives when we have trouble recognizing perfect moments until we realize they have passed us by and become memories."

It's amazing how we don't know what we got until after the moment when we lose it all. It's usually because we take it for granted; maybe we get too comfortable in the situation that the small details pass us by. Maybe we just choose to ignore them, or perhaps both.
I believe there is a reason behind most things; losing something because we take it for granted doesn't just happen, I believe the reason why is there. Sometimes we just can't see it, or perhaps we don't want to. We lie to ourselves by pretending that this is one of those situations where "stuff just happens."
Thing is, it's not like that. I believe that when we take something for granted, losing that something or someone IS the reason why it happens. This is to teach us a lesson on taking things for granted. This might be the only way how we can learn from it, or perhaps this might be a lesson for us to be able to fix things. To put everything back together.
But what happens when you can't? When there is no putting things back together? Do you give up? Perhaps giving up is not the right wording, perhaps maybe, "letting go" is more appropriate. In order to move on, sometimes we just need to let go. Letting go of something/someone after realizing that the situation that forces us to do so is caused because we "took it for granted" can be hard, but it can also be freeing. It can be a chance at redeeming yourself for those actions; a chance to better yourself. A chance at change. And change can be what is needed at the moment.
When you take something/someone for granted, is always hard to repair that situation, but by letting go and moving on, you can not only repair yourself, but also grow as a person. These types of situations create lessons, life lessons that can help you realize what mistakes you've made and how to avoid making those mistakes in the future. It's a chance at change.
So when you go through a situation where you realize you've taken things/persons for granted, stop for a moment and focus on change. Take a look at what lessons you can take from this situation. Then use those lessons to grow as a person.
I believe there is a reason behind most things; losing something because we take it for granted doesn't just happen, I believe the reason why is there. Sometimes we just can't see it, or perhaps we don't want to. We lie to ourselves by pretending that this is one of those situations where "stuff just happens."
Thing is, it's not like that. I believe that when we take something for granted, losing that something or someone IS the reason why it happens. This is to teach us a lesson on taking things for granted. This might be the only way how we can learn from it, or perhaps this might be a lesson for us to be able to fix things. To put everything back together.
But what happens when you can't? When there is no putting things back together? Do you give up? Perhaps giving up is not the right wording, perhaps maybe, "letting go" is more appropriate. In order to move on, sometimes we just need to let go. Letting go of something/someone after realizing that the situation that forces us to do so is caused because we "took it for granted" can be hard, but it can also be freeing. It can be a chance at redeeming yourself for those actions; a chance to better yourself. A chance at change. And change can be what is needed at the moment.
When you take something/someone for granted, is always hard to repair that situation, but by letting go and moving on, you can not only repair yourself, but also grow as a person. These types of situations create lessons, life lessons that can help you realize what mistakes you've made and how to avoid making those mistakes in the future. It's a chance at change.
So when you go through a situation where you realize you've taken things/persons for granted, stop for a moment and focus on change. Take a look at what lessons you can take from this situation. Then use those lessons to grow as a person.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."