And adding alcohol and parties into the mix, especially with underage drinkers, that never went well.
I met this woman through work, she was a nice person, very laid back, funny, and pretty. There were times when I helped train her, or taught her things, given that she was newer to the store than I was.
I was a little bit more seasoned, but that did not help the fact that later I would "fall" for her.
Flash forward to parties, hanging out, telling each other secrets. Flash forward to getting wasted. Flash forward to her helping me meet new people. Flash forward to her helping me, giving me advice on women.
Flash forward. Stop. She's falling for someone else. And perhaps had I not chosen to be the good friend and help her talk to the guy in the first place, perhaps she and I...
No. I digress.
But skip the self-loathing and move onto the part where I tell the guy that she is valuable to me, and that I care for her, and that if he ever hurts her that I will personally put my fist through his chest.
Well, something along those lines.
My over-protectiveness kicking in full throttle to being almost at the point of borderline psychotic.
Flash forward to apologizing. Flash forward to me sitting in her car's passenger seat, speaking with her about my feelings. Flash forward to her leaving work. Flash forward to her leaving town.
They all leave in the end.
Either because I push them away, or because they choose to leave.
No matter what. But perhaps this one was lost the very first moment I laid eyes on her...or at the moment I decided my feelings for her meant more than the friendship we had.