She was the Mary Jane to his Peter Parker.
Are you reading this? Do not worry, I have no reason to out you. So I hope you have no reason to out me, either.
It all started at work, a hidden desire that burned inside her. She liked him, and unbeknownst to him, he kept working around her. At the time, she had someone already, but that did not stop her from flirting with him, even though all he thought she was doing was bullying him.
At times when she would tease him, it would annoy him, anger him as well. But he moved on, he had his focus on his job. She was background noise to him. And while she continued to work around him, and he around her, I would enjoy the other background noises, the playful banter I landed on the others. Something to keep me occupied. She meant nothing to me.
Until one day, after time and time had passed, a certain individual inquired to him as to if he knew someone who liked him. So curiosity sparked inside us, and I started to pay attention. I remember it clear as day, she had recently broken up with her current partner, and had changed her hair color. Red. Red caught my eye, and it was obvious, because she had become increasingly annoying. To the point I started to wonder about her banter and constant "bullying."
Ah yes, the flirt. The game. The chase. So he told me, I have nothing to lose. Next thing that occurs is that they meet for pool. They play a couple of games, and as they sat outside, on a bench, with the moonlight upon them, she confessed her feelings. It was rather interesting to see what she had to say.
But have you ever heard of the snowball effect?
Hang on. We're in for a ride.

Nothing good comes from opposing forces clashing with each other. Only chaos. And although I do enjoy chaos, this was a different type of chaos.
This was as if a hurricane was trapped inside a volcano, and the eye of the storm was the inside of my brain. No matter how much I tried to control it, I could not.
Flash forward onto time and we find ourselves at parties. Together. The joys of beer pong. The joys of friends. And music. The joys of being a couple, or at least, a version of it.
He thought it was all perfect. He thought it was under control.
It was a bull in a china shop. Merely away seconds from total destruction.
Flash forward, they are meeting each others families. And something dawns on him, how different they are, how opposite each families are and ways of thinking, but deep in that frail heart of his, he does not care. He has her, he wants her, he craves her, he is starting to fall hard for her.
And so is she.
Or so you would be led to believe.
Family lunches, small dinner dates, sculpture garden, and even professional photo shoots. It was almost perfect.
Enter the drinking. The heavy partying. That delicious taste of alcohol, the aroma, the feel in his veins! Oh but dear, you did not expect it to all be okay, did you?
It only made me crave more. To come out and play. And I did. And it scared you, did it not?
You could never understand me; no matter how hard you tried, you could not match my crazy, could you? No.
So you tore into him, you lied and you deceived, and then you shattered his heart.
You always enjoyed saying, "smile through the pain," and that saying became soon to be adapted by him. He looked up to you as a model for sociopathy. How amazing of a creature you were, weren't you?
It was all pretend. And you played so well under that mask. Oh, how could I not see through it sooner? To save him?
But ever since he stopped drinking because he lost control over me that night and frightened you to the point we were fed to the wolves, oh how clear everything has become for me.
My mind is now clean. A slate wiped into pure whiteness.
And you allowed me to see.
So I thank you for that, for his destruction became my rebirth!
And I have never felt so free.
And although he has forgiven you, he knows that deep in your heart, you haven't. But do not fret, for it does not make any difference to me. Your Chapter is over.
I will let you be.
For you will never hear again, from me.