So it is not strange to say that once this Chapter appeared before him, he would be somewhat distracted. I was more attuned to her looks, her perfect smile, and those couple tattoos that sparked mystery and curiosity.
He could only watch, for he was with the previous Chapter at the moment. But how difficult was it not to let the imagination astray, if she kept coming around?
I always wondered what she would taste like.
But I digress, allow me to refocus on the tale. Do you recall me mentioning about the photoshoots on the previous Chapter? This is how he met her.
This Chapter enjoyed taking photographs, professional ones.
She became the previous Chapter's best friend.
So we attended parties, all of us. Hung out. Lived the post-college life.
Then came the night when all went to hell. The relationship was on the verge of self-destructing, and I decided to see what she tasted like.
The relationship ended; not because of this, this was merely extra toppings on the mess that was already made before him.
Chaos reigned free.
But we never did see this Chapter after that.
All that remains is the voicemail of the missed call she placed to his phone the night of her birthday, the night we ruined. The night he went off the deep-end.
And what followed, it would not be picture perfect.