I met this Chapter whilst on the lookout for my next relationship. Well, I should clarify, I wasn't technically on the lookout, I just stumbled upon it. And while I was in the early stages of getting to know my next potential girlfriend, this Chapter helped me through what would later come as a transition from not feeling anything, to feeling everything all at once.
This Chapter helped me pick out the coolest gadgets for myself; I was in the last stages of healing and so I proceeded to spoil myself with watches, rings, and other jewelry. This is where I met her: at a jewelry store.
I liked her not only because she knew what she was talking about, but because she was mature and she had gone through some stuff that had made her stronger than she looked.
She had a lot of advice for me, and a lot of it helped me from self-destructing at times. She became a great friend and sooner than later I opened up more; it was like she helped me open up from that cocoon I had built after the breakup.
If anything, she helped me shatter the walls. I found myself going out to karaoke, something I never expected to do again, and found myself being cheerier.
However, it always seems to be with me that when I meet someone great, they either move away, or get moved away.
This happened with her.
And now we don't speak as much as we used to.
But once again, from the shadows, I can still see that she is doing okay, still fighting the good fight, remaining the strong woman I know her to be.
And perhaps I will reconnect with her one day, as well.
But why is it so hard for me to do that?
Is it the voice in my head that's keeping me away?