She was young, and I had just started to get more management shifts, so it was extremely hard for her to keep her cool and to actually do what I told her to do.
Sometimes she would be out of control, but like the other Chapters, she took a liking to me as a person, and eventually mellowed down.
She would ask me when we could hang out, and I would always postpone it. Then one day, she began to talk to another Chapter, and became great friends with her. Whenever she had the chance, she would go talk to her, even if it was during break or on the clock, or even when she was just passing by, not working, she would always seek her out.
We would always greet with a kiss on the cheek and a hug; she became a good friend. Perhaps not as close, for later on she, too, changed jobs and somewhat disappeared from the radar for a while.
But you would still see her come into our workplace to say hi. She would always be her happy self. Bouncing and jumping around like she was carrying sunshine in her pockets.
But one can only be so happy for so long. There came a time when she wasn't. And all I could do to comfort her was give her advice, for I knew the pain she was going through, for I had experienced it before, but it was more so the lack of relatability that the other part of me had with her that made it complicated to fully help her.
Then I started to find out more about how that part of me played the game, and I disliked it.
So I slowly started to push her away; tried to avoid her, stopped talking to her altogether.
It wasn't until much, much later than she and another Chapter both hung out with me and we had a good time. Saw a movie, ate some popcorn, laughed, enjoyed some delicious pizza.
And in the back of my mind, I could still hear that part of me wanting to see her again.
But would I allow it to break free? Could I bear the consequences?
It would destroy her pocketful of sunshine, and I wasn't about to let Him do that.