Small little details is all I have from her now. After small talk was done, she stood up, punched me on the shoulder and smiled, leaving saying she hoped to see me again. The next time I saw her, I barely recognized her; I realized then that the first time I wasn't concerned on paying attention to her because of how she looked. The second time I saw her it seemed like she was a completely different person. A simple punch to my shoulder startled me, but that wasn’t the only thing that startled me because as I turned around to see who punched me, I realized she was standing there, green top, her hair straightened down, her eyes a lot clearer than before, and a smile that took me by surprise. She said my name and asked how I was. Unbeknownst to her, I was not okay, not in the slightest. But that didn't matter, so I didn't tell her. I smiled back and chatted a bit before someone from two tables over called her over. She punched me on the shoulder again, said goodbye, and walked away. This was one of those slow-motion moments again; I stood there transfixed by her appearance as I saw her walk over to the table, sit down and laugh at their jokes. To this day I still struggle to understand the reason why she walked into my life, only to disappear so suddenly, and never to be heard from again. No matter how hard I looked for her, I never found her.
All I had was a first name...that got me nowhere.
She was definitely, the one that got away. The major "what if?" The question that I'll never know the answer to.