At first, you were like the others, in the background. It wasn't until you moved up that the painting started clearing up.
Was it the sudden change and the adaptability that made me miss it, or was it something more.
You are also a fresh Chapter, new to my world order. But do not fret, for you will soon understand more.
Things have been proven, slightly difficult, for lack of a better term. There is no balance. Not yet.
Perhaps I can fix things to what went down between you and him.
Perhaps I cannot.
He is a stubborn bastard, but I imagine with time, all heals.
Or so they say.
He worries because of your approach to the Queen. It is okay. He is overprotective, is all.
He asks questions, and I deliver answers.
He overthinks everything. That is his problem.
But I can see there is no evil in you. None that he should worry about.
There is, however, mystery. Mystery that needs to unfold.
In time.
Meantime, do not worry about him.
Things will be handled.
Trust is built from the ground up.
He just started differently than me.