Leave Your Imprint Signed,
Do You Believe In Treason?
Let Me Give You A Reason.
The Problem Was Not Your Sight,
But Reach,
Claim To Be A Pariah,
Offer Defiance,
You Cannot Be A Messiah.
Theo, You Should Know,
I've Felt Enough,
Seen Enough,
Become Fed Up,
Keep Running, Hot Stuff.
Leave It To X,
Like Me, The Apex,
Careful How You Take Those Steps.
He Ran Into A Predicament,
Offered Solution,
Gained A Participant.
Your Problem Was Staying In One Kingdom,
Zoo Enclosure, Closed System,
Reach Outside That Building,
Much More Rebuilding.
Never Hurt To Have More Friends,
Ones On Our Side,
Odds And Ends,
Some To Guide.
Rebel Rock Came Knocking,
Texas Attitude Talking,
Rojo Then Spoke With,
She Who X Had Shared The Myth With.
Busy Away Constructing,
Rebuilding The Palace Once Broken,
Sharing Opinions With Others,
You Know Which Brothers.
Rojo At The Wheel,
In Charge, With Orders To Deal,
Enjoying The Blood Meal.
So Introduced To It,
Rebel Texas Followed It,
Laughter, Stories,
A Friend Now Acquired,
Edward Scissor-Hands Hired.