Rule #1 of the Book of Happy:
"Never Tell Mom."
Red: "The Rules Laid Before You Are Not To Be Broken, Especially This First One."
Blue: "Rules, huh? Who died and put you in charge?"
Yellow: "Come on, Mister, it's an easy one to follow!"
Purple: "What happens if you break it?"
Black: "I don't think I want to find out, Sister..."
*2022, September*
Cass: "My name is Cass. And I am part of The System-- I am part of your Son."
Mom: "I'm just trying to understand."
*2003, Ecuador*
"The choice is yours, you can stay with your Father, here, or you can come to Wyoming with Me."
*2007, Denver*
"I'm going to administer some medication to make the Voices go away."
Zisco: "They're not just voices!"
Truth: "Keep Quiet And Do As You're Told."
*2005, Wyoming*
Amanda: "I just thought maybe you were...you know...gay?"
Z: "No, of course not!"
*2003, Ecuador*
Mateo: "I just wanted to apologize for bullying you all those years, you know it was just fun and games, right? I hope you can forgive me?"
*2013, Fort Collins*
T: "I Just Want To Talk, Robin, Let Me In!"
Z: "Truth, we need to leave..."
*2022, September*
Mom: "Do you think that maybe if you hadn't picked up that comic, you wouldn't exist?"

Rule #5 of the Book of Happy:
"Never Tell Juan."
Red: "The Rules Laid Before You Are Not To Be Broken, You Are To Follow Them To The Letter."
Blue: "Jeezus, why are we still listening to you?"
Yellow: "Come on, Mister, just listen..."
Purple: "Basically We can't tell anyone anything?"
Black: "I think He means well, Sister..."
*2021, Fort Collins*
Roman: "I just want to tell you--I've been gone for a long time, and I am stuck here, inside this body."
Juan: "I'm listening, trying to understand."
*Eons Ago*
Blue: "You don't belong here, you're an abomination."
Purple: "How can you be so cruel?"
*2022, Present*
Cass: "He cut my f*cking hair! It's so short!"
Jay: "I know, baby..."
*2022, October*
Therapist: "Can you tell me one reason why you want to live?"
Z: "Mother."
Therapist: "What's another one?"
Z: "My girlfriend."
Therapist: "Keep going..."
*2004, Ecuador*
Grandpa: "Everything happens for a reason, you have to be strong no matter what."
Mother with Son and Daughter original piece by Vickie Wade: https://www.etsy.com/listing/589597974/mother-son-and-daughter-art-printgirl?epik=dj0yJnU9ZjF3eHpZQWhYMmJsUER2T1JMcE1NUjVPdGhzemFSWlgmcD0wJm49TUhLLUtLakRrdFVYakdiQUs5OVg0USZ0PUFBQUFBR05lWUc4
Last two comic panels taken from Hack/Slash: Issue #17, "Cassie And Vlad Meet The Reanimator, Part 3, of 3."
Script – Tim Seeley
Story – Tim Seekey and Barry Keating
Art – Emily Stone
Colors – Mark Englert
Letterer – Crank!
Design – Sean K. Dove
Editor – Mike O’Sullivan
October 2008