would you you would
show me the ropes,
look at us, god of silver,
silver god, together again again together,
the elements,
what is this plan this plan he's concocting,
the red god still locking--
yes it hurts, hurts it does,
i listen to him sing,
sing to the blue moon...
...does he listen, or sing back?
sTanD STill, bLAck.
take it easy guys, don't act silly,
compose yourselves,
oh look! a tiger lily!
i see numbers of a book a book of numbers,
help me god of silver, silver god,
jUST tAkE a LoOk, blAck,
thEy'rE evERywhEre,
buT thEy aLL glOW difFERentLy,
cAREfuL, rESpeCT oUR cHIValry.
yes, I see the buttons buttons and the strange names,
is this the red god's plan to burn our remains?
remains in burning charcoal,
charcoal heart heart of black hole--
pAY atTenTion, BLaCk,
thE rED goD is WAking,
waKING uP.
thERE's oNE moRE, sTILL mISSinG,
whos that that is who,
she's the liar! the trickster!
careful, careful, Mister!
but this dollface can be trusted,
soon we will all be adjusted,
so Mister Truth once you read this,
know that you've taught me well,
you might be the Beast to her Belle,
but I will continue the mission,
i got more to help me with addition,
dont worry, Mister, once the kingdom is full,
there will be no opposition!
youll be proud of me,
and once you heal Mister Zisco,
together we will all be in glee!