"You Can Cut Out What's Killing You."
"How would I do that, when all I can feel is you killing me?"
- T and Z, circa 2007.
"I Have To Eat Him."
"Careful, T. You give yourself an idea, and sooner than later, like a parasite, it will start consuming you."
- T and Z, present time.
"How would I do that, when all I can feel is you killing me?"
- T and Z, circa 2007.
"I Have To Eat Him."
"Careful, T. You give yourself an idea, and sooner than later, like a parasite, it will start consuming you."
- T and Z, present time.

"I Am Not The Intelligent Psychopath You So Eloquently Paint Me Out To Be."
"No; that would be too easy of a label for you... J."
"How Long Have You Known?"
"You forget, T tortured me for years."
"And Thus The Student Has Become The Master."
"Or I simply got tired of writing your story."
"You, Blue-- You Are The Perfect Sociopath."
"No; that would be too easy of a label for you... J."
"How Long Have You Known?"
"You forget, T tortured me for years."
"And Thus The Student Has Become The Master."
"Or I simply got tired of writing your story."
"You, Blue-- You Are The Perfect Sociopath."