A literal deal with the devil,
my oh my,
get on his level!
Come now, Johnny boy,
will you crash Luci's party?
Banshees scream, while above flies the harpy.
Many monsters, demons, and gods,
all surround this dinner,
each with different offers, and jobs.
It is up to you to sound convincing,
master of the con,
will your toast convince him?
Portals and doorways,
entrances and passageways.
Into the afterlife,
to hell and back,
can you survive,
this dangerous heart attack?
Down there there is a Throne,
much appealing but dangerous,
like the Monster's blood-stone.
my oh my,
get on his level!
Come now, Johnny boy,
will you crash Luci's party?
Banshees scream, while above flies the harpy.
Many monsters, demons, and gods,
all surround this dinner,
each with different offers, and jobs.
It is up to you to sound convincing,
master of the con,
will your toast convince him?
Portals and doorways,
entrances and passageways.
Into the afterlife,
to hell and back,
can you survive,
this dangerous heart attack?
Down there there is a Throne,
much appealing but dangerous,
like the Monster's blood-stone.

So what will it be, John?
Magic and power,
jump on!
Will you save her,
free her from her prison,
or will you fight who is risen?
I offer you a light,
now smoke.
Open the doorway,
from blood,
and incantation.
Let's show Luci why his train
has left the station.
Magic and power,
jump on!
Will you save her,
free her from her prison,
or will you fight who is risen?
I offer you a light,
now smoke.
Open the doorway,
from blood,
and incantation.
Let's show Luci why his train
has left the station.