a reminder,
of another time,
welcome The Originals,
the sublime.
You trained us,
introduced us,
to that world of hell,
where we would fight to sell--
sell each other as the better brother,
but then we always fought each other,
missing what was undercover.
Inside you lied dormant:
a hunger,
a passion,
you had your own fashion--
your own flair.
You could be trusted,
were never maladjusted.
You joked around,
made the house safe,
an environment of men.
Z and T knew you,
I barely just began to learn you,
but I knew the drive you had,
was something I had lacked.
In a world of pain and stress,
you were always calm,
you showed a premise of success.
But then we cut you out,
like all the others,
it was unfair,
forgive my brothers.
keep chasing your dreams,
run to your goals,
you have the means.
a beautiful picture,
so many others can chase your example,
you always inspired us,
to master what you cannot handle.