Boys being boys, booze being booze...
Partying was about to begin, but after having gone through a crazy fucked-up adventure, maybe it was time to chill?
Fuck no.
Not after meeting the badass-comic-book-lover, Cajun-ass, Louisiana-crazy-motherfucker.
No, party was just starting. Kicked off right from the get-go, something about you told us you were like us.
Strong, resilient, broken to a fault, but not wanting to give up.
That's what T saw in you, and what Z thought would make a friendship last.
And Z needed friends.
Like a good team-up, you were Wolverine and Z was Spidey, and you both kicked ass. Lady-V had brought you together, and for a good cause. You helped each other, you supported each other at dark times.
Bad Boys for life. LOL.
Then there was another time that came through, blowing like a hurricane, tested your friendship, and despite the distance, and the shove, you always came back.
Was it sharing those Philosophy classes awkwardly with both your mom's and the psychedelic teacher? Maybe. Was it hitting the bars and laughing at life in the face? Was it that drive to the Hot Springs, or was it staring out onto the L.A. night together and promising that the friendship would never end?
Why do you disappear, then?
Is it because you don't think you deserve this friendship?
Because your demons hold you back?
Why must you disappear into the night and be a hard motherfucker to reach?
We'll always be here for you, brother.
You bet your Cajun-ass we will be.
You were always the best there is at what you do, and what you do, is keeping Z in line.
But I'll be fucking damned if I don't keep you in line too.