And towards the precipice, she walked; below, there lay a spread of burnt green, conceived from ashes and turned to stone; and from the confines of the Palace, there sounded the exasperated cry of a half beast and half man.
Climbing down she arrived and towards the Palace she ran. Entered inside, and towards the cries she followed. Nearing the iron door, the cries intensified. So she cried out:…
"I'm here, you beast; this time I come to bargain, for I am your sister; all Brother wants
in ever coming here is to observe your torments. I offer change."
Just then the Bull pulls at its shackles, but they do not break loose from its halter
and so the moment Sister lays the fatal blow unto the iron door, the Bull then pulls harder, plunging back and forth, and then the Bull did respond;
Climbing down she arrived and towards the Palace she ran. Entered inside, and towards the cries she followed. Nearing the iron door, the cries intensified. So she cried out:…
"I'm here, you beast; this time I come to bargain, for I am your sister; all Brother wants
in ever coming here is to observe your torments. I offer change."
Just then the Bull pulls at its shackles, but they do not break loose from its halter
and so the moment Sister lays the fatal blow unto the iron door, the Bull then pulls harder, plunging back and forth, and then the Bull did respond;

"Sister, is it you? Dare you enter my chambers, years long after last?
Dare you descend into lower Hell, this ashes now turned fortress of impenetrable skin; if I recall correctly, it was before the rise of power, of the One who did take from Host.
Now you enter here, the lowest circle, with no spoils, just remnants of what could have been, to find me yet again chained.
Here I thought our world had last felt love (which, as some might confuse, does disguise itself as chaos); and now at this moment, here you stand before me, tell me Sister, do I still frighten you so?"
Dare you descend into lower Hell, this ashes now turned fortress of impenetrable skin; if I recall correctly, it was before the rise of power, of the One who did take from Host.
Now you enter here, the lowest circle, with no spoils, just remnants of what could have been, to find me yet again chained.
Here I thought our world had last felt love (which, as some might confuse, does disguise itself as chaos); and now at this moment, here you stand before me, tell me Sister, do I still frighten you so?"

Lo savio mio inver' lui grido: "Forse
tu credi che qui sia 'l duca d'Atene,
che sú nel mondo la morte ti porse?
Pártiti, bestia, ché questi non vene
ammaestrato da la tua sorella,
ma vassi per veder la vostre pene."
tu credi che qui sia 'l duca d'Atene,
che sú nel mondo la morte ti porse?
Pártiti, bestia, ché questi non vene
ammaestrato da la tua sorella,
ma vassi per veder la vostre pene."
The poet waited briefly, then said
to me: "Since he is silent, do not lose
this chance, but speak and ask what you would know."
And I: "Do you continue; ask of him
whatever you believe I should request;
I cannot, so much pity takes my heart."
to me: "Since he is silent, do not lose
this chance, but speak and ask what you would know."
And I: "Do you continue; ask of him
whatever you believe I should request;
I cannot, so much pity takes my heart."
"I must respond, dear Brother, for I offer an exchange, if you so pity me,
for I have reached a place where the shiniest of lights mutes sounds and sings music, like an orange tempest, filled with opposing winds.
That gorgeous hurricane, which never rests,
drives on hope, with high spirits,
moving and running.
Then it comes upon a ruined land,
there more cries join in, lamenting,
but they're nothing if not divine.
I learned then, that those who undergo a torment of this proportion,
those are not damned, but blessed.
As are you, Brother."
for I have reached a place where the shiniest of lights mutes sounds and sings music, like an orange tempest, filled with opposing winds.
That gorgeous hurricane, which never rests,
drives on hope, with high spirits,
moving and running.
Then it comes upon a ruined land,
there more cries join in, lamenting,
but they're nothing if not divine.
I learned then, that those who undergo a torment of this proportion,
those are not damned, but blessed.
As are you, Brother."