Some say that warm wood and cold metal may be the same temperature.
Some say that love is just as strong as hate.
Some say that pleasure feels a lot like pain.
Some say you are dead the minute you are born.
Some believe in destiny, while others believe their lives are already written in stone.
Some can change their future, by ignoring their past.
But for most, embracing their past is the only way to move towards the future.
Some say that actions speak louder than words, but to some, words cut deeper than actions.
And sometimes, win or lose, you never come back the same after a fight.
Sometimes, the scarring is skin deep.
You go through trials in life, and when all is said and done, you look back and realize how much you've changed.
How everything you've gone through has shaped you, twisted you, turned you inside out, ripped you apart, and put you back together.
To something you can't quite make sense of.
To something you are not sure you like.
Or even want to understand.
But that is the way of things. The way it works. The way you travel.
And change.
And you can choose to embrace it, or you can choose to lie and pretend you can ignore it.
Or you can choose to despise it, and choose the truth that you can no longer ignore it.
And keep steady.
But that might not be the way of things. The way it works. Or the way in which you should travel.
Or want to understand.
To something you are sure you will like.
To something you can make sense of.
How nothing you've gone through has shaped you, twisted you, or turned you inside out, ripped you apart, and put you back together.
How those trials you went through in life had nothing to do with it, because you look back and realize you haven't changed a bit.
Because there is no scarring.
That after the fight, whether you won or lost, you remained the same.
Some say that words cut deeper than actions, but to some, actions speak louder than words.
For most, ignoring their past is the only way to move towards the future.
But some can alter their future, by embracing their past.
Some refuse to believe in destiny, while others disagree that our lives are already premeditated.
Some say you are really born the minute you die.
Some say that pain is not like pleasure.
Some say that hate is weaker than love.
And to some...
...warm wood and cold metal are two completely different temperatures.
Some say that love is just as strong as hate.
Some say that pleasure feels a lot like pain.
Some say you are dead the minute you are born.
Some believe in destiny, while others believe their lives are already written in stone.
Some can change their future, by ignoring their past.
But for most, embracing their past is the only way to move towards the future.
Some say that actions speak louder than words, but to some, words cut deeper than actions.
And sometimes, win or lose, you never come back the same after a fight.
Sometimes, the scarring is skin deep.
You go through trials in life, and when all is said and done, you look back and realize how much you've changed.
How everything you've gone through has shaped you, twisted you, turned you inside out, ripped you apart, and put you back together.
To something you can't quite make sense of.
To something you are not sure you like.
Or even want to understand.
But that is the way of things. The way it works. The way you travel.
And change.
And you can choose to embrace it, or you can choose to lie and pretend you can ignore it.
Or you can choose to despise it, and choose the truth that you can no longer ignore it.
And keep steady.
But that might not be the way of things. The way it works. Or the way in which you should travel.
Or want to understand.
To something you are sure you will like.
To something you can make sense of.
How nothing you've gone through has shaped you, twisted you, or turned you inside out, ripped you apart, and put you back together.
How those trials you went through in life had nothing to do with it, because you look back and realize you haven't changed a bit.
Because there is no scarring.
That after the fight, whether you won or lost, you remained the same.
Some say that words cut deeper than actions, but to some, actions speak louder than words.
For most, ignoring their past is the only way to move towards the future.
But some can alter their future, by embracing their past.
Some refuse to believe in destiny, while others disagree that our lives are already premeditated.
Some say you are really born the minute you die.
Some say that pain is not like pleasure.
Some say that hate is weaker than love.
And to some...
...warm wood and cold metal are two completely different temperatures.