And so he walked free among the fields, that grass below his hooves burning the same color as his skin. Walls trapped him, but in the labyrinth, he was at peace. And so the Woman in Purple approached him, the Orange God walked up to meet her halfway in the field.
Startled, she brought offerings, looked up and said: "I come to bargain, for I need your help. I cannot leave until someone takes my place. I have thought about who I would choose, but you are the only one that makes sense. I need to find my brothers."
The Orange God looked upon her and said, "Far be it from you to do such a thing—to bargain with me without stating the price of acceptance."
"Please forgive me, this is just temporary. I have questions and worries that plague my mind, I must find the answers. I must find him. Will not the Judge of all the Gods among us do what's right?”
"If to do what's right involves me exiting the Labyrinth, then so be it, but think not for a second that I won't require my questions answered as well."
"I bring gifts, please accept this sacrifice and I will grant you safe passage. Time has passed and the cycle has been broken. I will explain more upon our next meeting, but time, I'm afraid, is of the essence."
Startled, she brought offerings, looked up and said: "I come to bargain, for I need your help. I cannot leave until someone takes my place. I have thought about who I would choose, but you are the only one that makes sense. I need to find my brothers."
The Orange God looked upon her and said, "Far be it from you to do such a thing—to bargain with me without stating the price of acceptance."
"Please forgive me, this is just temporary. I have questions and worries that plague my mind, I must find the answers. I must find him. Will not the Judge of all the Gods among us do what's right?”
"If to do what's right involves me exiting the Labyrinth, then so be it, but think not for a second that I won't require my questions answered as well."
"I bring gifts, please accept this sacrifice and I will grant you safe passage. Time has passed and the cycle has been broken. I will explain more upon our next meeting, but time, I'm afraid, is of the essence."

And so the Orange God agreed upon her bargain, and the Woman in Purple knelt before him.
"Oh beloved brother of mine, accept this sacrifice I present before you, accept me fully as so in the days before so be it in the days of now."
The Woman in Purple then released the Orange God upon the world, setting him free from the labyrinth which imprisoned him.
As he exited, she ran in the opposite direction, hoping to find what she was looking for, and praying she would not be too late.
"Oh beloved brother of mine, accept this sacrifice I present before you, accept me fully as so in the days before so be it in the days of now."
The Woman in Purple then released the Orange God upon the world, setting him free from the labyrinth which imprisoned him.
As he exited, she ran in the opposite direction, hoping to find what she was looking for, and praying she would not be too late.

13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Something woke me,
I know of it,
it was unnerving.
A familiar cry,
I am no stranger to it.
True Yellow calls,
so I react,
a meeting with Taurus,
always part of our contract.
For us three are the main rulers,
watch each other's backs,
respect from users.
Holes in walls,
red upon them,
something is wrong,
I must find them.
So here I come, brother,
to help,
whatever you need from me,
just chirp.
I know of it,
it was unnerving.
A familiar cry,
I am no stranger to it.
True Yellow calls,
so I react,
a meeting with Taurus,
always part of our contract.
For us three are the main rulers,
watch each other's backs,
respect from users.
Holes in walls,
red upon them,
something is wrong,
I must find them.
So here I come, brother,
to help,
whatever you need from me,
just chirp.

"Hunt them down, bring them to me."
"Who would that be?"
"False Red, False Yellow, True Blue, True Black, but leave Grey to me."
"As you wish."
And so time passed and the two gods met;
Orange found Rojo and time came to a halt,
a meeting of monsters took place.
The Kings head to head,
no bargain, no gifts,
a battle of wits.
In the hallway of the Palace they met,
Orange demanded answers,
Rojo knew he posed no threat.
They have fought before,
it wasn't pretty,
I've always just observed,
more stories of this Silver City.
Recollections of memories,
passages of wars,
all written down,
passed onto Doc's office,
more paperwork to file,
stories of trials--
To Rojo's surprise,
Orange grabbed him by the neck,
held him against the wall,
feet off the ground,
a human wreck.
Orange asked once,
Rojo complied,
he knew better than to anger him so.
Rojo told him the story,
the fable of four,
how False Red was angry,
how False Yellow stole time,
and then True Blue cried,
after True Black joined in the fun.
A mix of emotions a mix of drinks,
there was a reason why the cycle had broke,
as each one swam to sink,
to chase the light to drink.
And the noise around them,
no room to breathe,
it only caused them more to split.
Until Silver took the mantle,
but they were already too far gone,
it was too much to handle.
And so the cycle came to a stop,
for True Yellow's words unlocked,
and a bargain was made between the Host and the Parasite,
to watch over the world and the Queen,
while he gathered the others,
to take control and get clean.
For True Yellow had made her a promise,
this New World Order would be for the Goddess.
And so I was told to watch over it all,
until the cycle restarted,
I'd be guarding the wall.
Orange found Rojo and time came to a halt,
a meeting of monsters took place.
The Kings head to head,
no bargain, no gifts,
a battle of wits.
In the hallway of the Palace they met,
Orange demanded answers,
Rojo knew he posed no threat.
They have fought before,
it wasn't pretty,
I've always just observed,
more stories of this Silver City.
Recollections of memories,
passages of wars,
all written down,
passed onto Doc's office,
more paperwork to file,
stories of trials--
To Rojo's surprise,
Orange grabbed him by the neck,
held him against the wall,
feet off the ground,
a human wreck.
Orange asked once,
Rojo complied,
he knew better than to anger him so.
Rojo told him the story,
the fable of four,
how False Red was angry,
how False Yellow stole time,
and then True Blue cried,
after True Black joined in the fun.
A mix of emotions a mix of drinks,
there was a reason why the cycle had broke,
as each one swam to sink,
to chase the light to drink.
And the noise around them,
no room to breathe,
it only caused them more to split.
Until Silver took the mantle,
but they were already too far gone,
it was too much to handle.
And so the cycle came to a stop,
for True Yellow's words unlocked,
and a bargain was made between the Host and the Parasite,
to watch over the world and the Queen,
while he gathered the others,
to take control and get clean.
For True Yellow had made her a promise,
this New World Order would be for the Goddess.
And so I was told to watch over it all,
until the cycle restarted,
I'd be guarding the wall.