What's the matter, Host?
Still chasing the past, the ghost?
Go ahead, jump,
I know you want to fly,
or do you need a bump?
We're entering a new cycle?
Are you sure this is what you want?
Is this the best choice?
Why not just shut their voice?
Lock them up,
it's worked before,
dare I say it?
Dare I roar?
Go ahead and jump,
I know you want to fly,
or do you need a bump?
Still chasing the past, the ghost?
Go ahead, jump,
I know you want to fly,
or do you need a bump?
We're entering a new cycle?
Are you sure this is what you want?
Is this the best choice?
Why not just shut their voice?
Lock them up,
it's worked before,
dare I say it?
Dare I roar?
Go ahead and jump,
I know you want to fly,
or do you need a bump?

Ah yes, here we meet again,
hello dear brothers,
here to fight again?
Why bother?
I could wipe the floor with you two,
so get to the point,
are you here to chat--
"No, sorry to disappoint."
"We're Here To See Sister."
That, I cannot allow,
so next question,
or I'll tell you to go on about.
hello dear brothers,
here to fight again?
Why bother?
I could wipe the floor with you two,
so get to the point,
are you here to chat--
"No, sorry to disappoint."
"We're Here To See Sister."
That, I cannot allow,
so next question,
or I'll tell you to go on about.

I am overseeing all this--
Nonsense, is it?
What are they planning?
Come on, Rojo, finish this.
Do I need to intervene?
I wonder.
No, I trust Rojo's judgement.
It's my turn to watch over the Queen.
I'll watch over the day and follow the duties.
Maybe I'll watch a movie.
Hope this cycle is better,
and that the others follow it to the letter.
Or I'll prepare their cells once more,
welcome pain and gore.
Nonsense, is it?
What are they planning?
Come on, Rojo, finish this.
Do I need to intervene?
I wonder.
No, I trust Rojo's judgement.
It's my turn to watch over the Queen.
I'll watch over the day and follow the duties.
Maybe I'll watch a movie.
Hope this cycle is better,
and that the others follow it to the letter.
Or I'll prepare their cells once more,
welcome pain and gore.

There went the cycle,
now we enter the second,
follow the rules,
for I'm primal.
I'll watch over closely,
dare to bargain again,
careful being boldly.
Don't try to use her,
this is my warning,
violence preferred,
when it's too late,
you'll hear me roaring.
True Red here,
remember brother,
I'm your true keeper,
I'm your Seer.
now we enter the second,
follow the rules,
for I'm primal.
I'll watch over closely,
dare to bargain again,
careful being boldly.
Don't try to use her,
this is my warning,
violence preferred,
when it's too late,
you'll hear me roaring.
True Red here,
remember brother,
I'm your true keeper,
I'm your Seer.