One Year Ago This Day
"Special" is just a nice word for--"
"Weird? Or Crazy? It Can Also Mean Significant, Or Amazing."
"How do you know that, huh? Because what, you are also special? You don't get it, do you. Do you ever feel like what you have been given is a curse? Like what you have been given is more of a crutch than a gift?"
"I Know How That Feels, That Hard *Thump Thump* Inside Your Chest--"
"No, see, I know that you think you do--but you have no idea. Do you know how it feels to shut your eyes, to be trapped inside your own head?"
"I Do. I Know Exactly How Powerless That Makes You Feel, Jean."
"I can't control it!"
"Yes, You Can."
"No! I can't! And I am tired of pretending I can!"

"You Can Change The Future If You Focus On The Now. Do Not Dwell On Who You Were, The Past Might Be Your Origin, But It Has Brought You Here, And I Am Here To Help."
"You have no idea who I am. Stop telling me what I should feel, how I should behave-- You. Cannot. Control me, Charles."
"I'd Like You To Focus, Listen To My Voice, Jean."
"I can't, no, I can't... I can't control it!"
"Jean, I Am Trying To Keep Your Pain Away."
"No, you are just burying it."
"Don't. Let. It. Control. You."
"Goodbye, Charles, this is the only way-- The only way I can save my family. Emotions-- They make me strong. One day you will understand, Charles."
"Jean, Do Not Do This! You Can Do Better!"
"I am better, Charles. Always have been better--- Than you."