"I started a Joke, but then I realized, I came at the wrong time, time when everyone now is Woke."

Patient #002873
Admission Date: 05/23/2019
Evaluating Provider: Dr. Quinzel.
Patient DOB: 08/01/1979
Room: #14.
Psychiatric Evaluation
Identifying: The patient is a forty-year old unemployed single, white male, no known children, living alone, presented to our Emergency Room in acute distress. Patient was admitted voluntarily.
Chief Complaint: Patient was found with unstoppable laughter, sitting on a chair in the middle of an abandoned warehouse, surrounded by bodies of recently deceased mob affiliates, a couple of John Doe's and a suitcase full of cash. Scene of the crime(s) is being sealed by the Gotham Police Department; the patient made the call which brought the police and himself into custody. He had asked to be brought up to Arkham Asylum by his own volition.
History of Present Illness:
Pertinent history in record: ***REDACTED**
During assessment: Patient describes their mood as calm, nonchalant.
Patient self-esteem appears fair, no reported feelings of excessive guilt, no reported sleep disturbance, change in appetite, libido disturbances, or even change in energy. Reported changes in memory and concentration however, are at a high alert.
Patient does not report agitation, pressured speech. No excessive fears, worries, or panic attacks reported. Patient does not report hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, or compulsions.
Patient reports no recent loss of weight, or gain otherwise. Patient does not report any symptoms of characterological nature.
Patient denies suicidal ideation, denies homicidal ideation, denies violent behavior, denies inappropriate/illegal behaviors.
Past Psychiatric History: ***REDACTED***
Interview Process:
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "Tell me, Mistah...um, what should I call you?"
Patient #002873: "Friends call me Joker. I suppose you can do the same, assuming you are my friend. Tell me, Doctor, are you my friend?"
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "I don't have many friends."
Patient #002873: "Well...you got one now."
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "Right, so... Mistah Joker, um, can I call you Mistah J?"
Patient #002873: "I believe you can, Doctor.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "Let's start with an easy question... are you aware that what you did was wrong? Killing all those people in that warehouse. And yet, you chose voluntarily to come here. To a place that well, most people never leave.
Patient #002873: "Oh, but dear Doctor, you cannot see..."
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "See what?"
Admission Date: 05/23/2019
Evaluating Provider: Dr. Quinzel.
Patient DOB: 08/01/1979
Room: #14.
Psychiatric Evaluation
Identifying: The patient is a forty-year old unemployed single, white male, no known children, living alone, presented to our Emergency Room in acute distress. Patient was admitted voluntarily.
Chief Complaint: Patient was found with unstoppable laughter, sitting on a chair in the middle of an abandoned warehouse, surrounded by bodies of recently deceased mob affiliates, a couple of John Doe's and a suitcase full of cash. Scene of the crime(s) is being sealed by the Gotham Police Department; the patient made the call which brought the police and himself into custody. He had asked to be brought up to Arkham Asylum by his own volition.
History of Present Illness:
Pertinent history in record: ***REDACTED**
During assessment: Patient describes their mood as calm, nonchalant.
Patient self-esteem appears fair, no reported feelings of excessive guilt, no reported sleep disturbance, change in appetite, libido disturbances, or even change in energy. Reported changes in memory and concentration however, are at a high alert.
Patient does not report agitation, pressured speech. No excessive fears, worries, or panic attacks reported. Patient does not report hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, or compulsions.
Patient reports no recent loss of weight, or gain otherwise. Patient does not report any symptoms of characterological nature.
Patient denies suicidal ideation, denies homicidal ideation, denies violent behavior, denies inappropriate/illegal behaviors.
Past Psychiatric History: ***REDACTED***
Interview Process:
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "Tell me, Mistah...um, what should I call you?"
Patient #002873: "Friends call me Joker. I suppose you can do the same, assuming you are my friend. Tell me, Doctor, are you my friend?"
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "I don't have many friends."
Patient #002873: "Well...you got one now."
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "Right, so... Mistah Joker, um, can I call you Mistah J?"
Patient #002873: "I believe you can, Doctor.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "Let's start with an easy question... are you aware that what you did was wrong? Killing all those people in that warehouse. And yet, you chose voluntarily to come here. To a place that well, most people never leave.
Patient #002873: "Oh, but dear Doctor, you cannot see..."
Dr. Harleen Quinzel: "See what?"