Green shirt,
hit me,
got a bloody nose,
Sleeping-- I am not,
hear you near me creeping,
like no one hears,
think you're so sneaky,
scars, on my chest and arms,
not for you--
Don't dare say his name,
I do what I want,
He does what he wants--
My love?
Just clinical.
Red shirt,
now blonde hair,
screaming, you're high on life,
stealing-- time like no one knows,
think you're so cynical,
burns, on your arms for him,
always so quiet and peaceful,
you do what you want,
when you want to,
got time?
hit me,
got a bloody nose,
Sleeping-- I am not,
hear you near me creeping,
like no one hears,
think you're so sneaky,
scars, on my chest and arms,
not for you--
Don't dare say his name,
I do what I want,
He does what he wants--
My love?
Just clinical.
Red shirt,
now blonde hair,
screaming, you're high on life,
stealing-- time like no one knows,
think you're so cynical,
burns, on your arms for him,
always so quiet and peaceful,
you do what you want,
when you want to,
got time?

So act like tough guy,
play big man guy,
keep stealing time guy,
eyes always so green guy,
filled with envy guy,
but two can play the game, guy,
I'll make you cry, guy,
ruin your plans type,
topple control type,
I'm the real bad guy,
Pretend you take control,
so I can play you along,
think you own me, I'll let you think so,
be your pet, so,
don't forget tho,
I'm the bad guy.
play big man guy,
keep stealing time guy,
eyes always so green guy,
filled with envy guy,
but two can play the game, guy,
I'll make you cry, guy,
ruin your plans type,
topple control type,
I'm the real bad guy,
Pretend you take control,
so I can play you along,
think you own me, I'll let you think so,
be your pet, so,
don't forget tho,
I'm the bad guy.