My My,
You Stay Close To The Other Beast,
Is It Because You Want To Join In The Feast?
What Exactly Do You Think Comes From This?
At The Very Least?
A Happy Ending,
Or Worse?
Days Spent Lamenting?
Am I Suppose To Remember You?
Have We Met?
Battle Born Ready Monster Of Rage,
Why Choose Cerberus To Be In Your Corner,
Is This Rampage?
A Monster Who Joins With Monsters,
Should Be Careful As To Who They Seek,
This Is My War,
It Isn't A Game,
So To Speak.
Listen Close,
Do You Hear?
Cerberus Lamenting,
In The Underworld,
There Lies The Puppeteer.
You Stay Close To The Other Beast,
Is It Because You Want To Join In The Feast?
What Exactly Do You Think Comes From This?
At The Very Least?
A Happy Ending,
Or Worse?
Days Spent Lamenting?
Am I Suppose To Remember You?
Have We Met?
Battle Born Ready Monster Of Rage,
Why Choose Cerberus To Be In Your Corner,
Is This Rampage?
A Monster Who Joins With Monsters,
Should Be Careful As To Who They Seek,
This Is My War,
It Isn't A Game,
So To Speak.
Listen Close,
Do You Hear?
Cerberus Lamenting,
In The Underworld,
There Lies The Puppeteer.