I awoke to pure whiteness, a blinding light no longer covered in darkness.
The shapes that formed outside my window, a burning sensation, my welcoming intro.
Confusing sounds, a chirping clock and barking hounds.
A complex dream I had awoken from, a wicked nonsense, a colorful scheme.
A newly acquired setting, wide space to breathe, another moment of forgetting, yet calm underneath.
"What day is it?"
"Happy New Year."
"Damn your wit."
"Go Ahead, Cheer."
First thing, out of bed, responsibilities met.
Welcome to me, it's been a while,
ready, one, two, three,
she's still with us...
The shapes that formed outside my window, a burning sensation, my welcoming intro.
Confusing sounds, a chirping clock and barking hounds.
A complex dream I had awoken from, a wicked nonsense, a colorful scheme.
A newly acquired setting, wide space to breathe, another moment of forgetting, yet calm underneath.
"What day is it?"
"Happy New Year."
"Damn your wit."
"Go Ahead, Cheer."
First thing, out of bed, responsibilities met.
Welcome to me, it's been a while,
ready, one, two, three,
she's still with us...