L0ng 4g0, 5h3 t0ld m3, "1f y0u g3t th3 0pp0rtun1ty, y0u 5h0uld k1ll y0ur5elf."
4t f1r5t, 1 kn3w b3tt3r th4n t0 t4k3 h3r 53r10u5. 4nd 1 4m 4 v3ry 53r10u5 m4n.
5h3 f3lt 5h3 h4d n0 purp05e, n0 r3450n t0 b3.
1 h4d 5tud13d h4r f0r 45 l0ng 45 1 c0uld r3m3mb3r. 5h3 w45 5tr0ng, 5tubborn, but d4d1c4t3d t0 k33p g01ng, 3v3n wh3n 5h3 f3lt 5h3 c0uldn't 4nym0r3.
h3r n4m3 w45 515t3r; h3r c0l0r b3c4me purpl3, f0r d35p1t3 h3r l0v3 f0r th3 c0l0r bl4ck, 1t h4d 4lr34dy b33n t4k3n.
4t f1r5t, 1 kn3w b3tt3r th4n t0 t4k3 h3r 53r10u5. 4nd 1 4m 4 v3ry 53r10u5 m4n.
5h3 f3lt 5h3 h4d n0 purp05e, n0 r3450n t0 b3.
1 h4d 5tud13d h4r f0r 45 l0ng 45 1 c0uld r3m3mb3r. 5h3 w45 5tr0ng, 5tubborn, but d4d1c4t3d t0 k33p g01ng, 3v3n wh3n 5h3 f3lt 5h3 c0uldn't 4nym0r3.
h3r n4m3 w45 515t3r; h3r c0l0r b3c4me purpl3, f0r d35p1t3 h3r l0v3 f0r th3 c0l0r bl4ck, 1t h4d 4lr34dy b33n t4k3n.
"What's my purpose here, Doc? Seriously? Lay it on me."
"3v3ry 51ngl3 0n3 of u5 h45 4 purp053. 4 r3450n f0r b31ng. Y0u 4r3 4 G4t3k33p3r. Y0u h3lp y0ur 51bl1ng5 5w1tch 54f3ly."
"You realize that means I have to stay inside. Trapped."
"N0t tr4pp3d. Y0u 4r3n't 4 pr15on3r."
"The hell I'm not."
"Is Cassandra Ready?"
"Th3 r34l qu35t10n h3r3, Truth, 15 4r3 y0u r34dy, f0r wh4t w1ll c0m3 fr0m th15?"
"None Of Us Have A Choice, Doc. I'll Be Seeing You."
"1 h0p3 y0u 4r3 r1ght th15 t1m3."
"If We Make It Through The Rest Of The Year, We Will See Who Was Right And Who Was Wrong."
"3v3ry 51ngl3 0n3 of u5 h45 4 purp053. 4 r3450n f0r b31ng. Y0u 4r3 4 G4t3k33p3r. Y0u h3lp y0ur 51bl1ng5 5w1tch 54f3ly."
"You realize that means I have to stay inside. Trapped."
"N0t tr4pp3d. Y0u 4r3n't 4 pr15on3r."
"The hell I'm not."
"Is Cassandra Ready?"
"Th3 r34l qu35t10n h3r3, Truth, 15 4r3 y0u r34dy, f0r wh4t w1ll c0m3 fr0m th15?"
"None Of Us Have A Choice, Doc. I'll Be Seeing You."
"1 h0p3 y0u 4r3 r1ght th15 t1m3."
"If We Make It Through The Rest Of The Year, We Will See Who Was Right And Who Was Wrong."