"Sure, let's get a move on, shall we?"
"T, please... try."
"We're All In This."
"Together, Mister!!"
"Pl34s3, c0m3 1n."
"Muevanse, pues."
"Come on, fellas. Doc's waiting."
Observation: a gathering. A gathering of minds. Minds that--yes, our minds.
Conclusion: I feel as a responsibility, as a Guardian, I must watch over. I must jot down results, from this support group.

Observation: they enter the room, I follow. Doc already has separate chairs in separate corners of the room set up, close enough to each other but far enough to not suffocate each other.
Question: will therapy work?
Answer: therapy is an acquired taste. Not everyone has it.
Observation: Theo sits down first, covering his arms, scoffing. Across the room, Roman faces him; diagonally from him you got Zisco and next to him Xavier. A joyous laugh fills the room from across Xavier, giving Happy his perfect spot to sit down. To the right of Theo.
Deduction: Happy always tries to loosen up Theo. Theo rarely responds positively.
Observation: our sister sits diagonally from Theo.
Deduction: our sister likes to keep a close eye on Theo, but is interested on his reactions to the others.
Observation: Doc enters the room last. As he walks over to his recliner, he welcomes us.

"I do not need therapy. Therapy does not work on me."
"Th3r4py D0eS n0T w0rK oN y0U b3c4us3 y0u d0nT aLL0w 1t t0."
"It doesn't work on me because I know all the tricks. How many more times we gonna do this song and dance, Doc?"
Observation: Theo gets tense immediately soon after; he's stiff, while the hairs on the back of his neck are standing. Doc notices that, holds his left arm and rubs it hard. He wants Theo to understand. Why there are many means of influence...other than violence.

Observation: our sister intervenes, she feels it is necessary to ground Theo in order for this therapy session to work.
"C4554nDr4, w3 aR3 4LL h3r3 f0R T. H0w3v3R, 1 th1NK p3rHapS 4n aCt1v1Ti3 w0uLD b3 pL34s4nT."
"I just want him to stop being so fucking angry. I don't want him to relapse."

Th1nk 4bOuT wh4t I'll 4sK n3xt v3ry C4r3fuLLy... wh4T 1s 0n3 Th1nG y0u 4LL l1k3 fr0M h3r?"
"Oooh! Can I go first?? Can I please Mister Doctor Man!"
Observation: Doc motions Happy to go first, and what develops next is a beautiful scene, one which I haven't seen in so long it seems. After the War, there was nothing but pain, and rebuilding--but mostly pain. Even after it was over, we all stood divided. In this moment--in Doc's office...we were finally... Together. Siblings. Helping each other. Laughing together.

"Alr1gHT, H4ppY, g1v3 s0m3oN3 3LS3 4 tUrN."
Observation: Zisco raises his hand, to which Roman laughs at. Doc motions Zisco to go on.
"It is very difficult to just bring out one single thing I like the most about her, Doc. It really is. After all that we've been through together in a short span of a year and five months, well, it feels like bringing about just one thing wouldn't make her justice. If anything, it would be insulting--"
"For Crying Out Loud, Just Say It. It's Her Majestic Ass."
"Rude! Sheesh."
"N0w, n0w, l3t'S 4LL jUsT t4k3 th1s s3ri0usLY, pl3aS3."
"Maybe if Roman hadn't interrupted me... I could get my point across."
"Is this supposed to amuse me, Doc? I mean, it's entertaining, I'll give you that. However, we all can agree on Roman's point, though. That is like her superpower, besides her being hilarious, that is."
"Boys...take this seriously, please."
"Hermana, I'd say we ARE taking this seriously, esa mujer es deliciosa. Kind of hard not to speak about her goods. Jajaja. I mean, if we are making this about her, no? Por favor, I thought this was about Teo, but we all know how boring that would be."
"Please do not insult me, brother."
"Let Z finish, for fuck's sakes."
"As I was saying, Doc... Not to--to disagree with Roman on this one, yes, her amazing behind does categorize itself right up there as number one, however, what I was building up to was that the one thing that I always enjoyed about her was her drive. She can be stubborn like T, but I must say, she never gives up. Even when it feels like she is so close to just choosing it as the logical option, she does not partake in it. At a moment when I gave up and pushed her away, she never gave up on me. And that is her drive, her constant will to fight. I have seen her at a low place, and she has seen me at my low place, and even though it would be easy for her to just walk away, just... give up on me... and the others, well, she does not. And that resonates with me, Doc. That...inspires me. I fell in love with her because she saw me...and I saw myself in her. At least a part of me. I know it's going to be such a chic flick moment to say this but, Doc, do you believe in soul mates?"
"Brother, You Are Taking Much Time Here."
"He can take all the time he wants, Romy. I say let him."
"I don't want to sound like a salvaje here, but can I go next?"
"I Really Wish You Didn't Call Me That, Lest I Start Calling You *Teddy*."
"Guys guys... come on now... don't get silly."
"L3t m3 kn0W wh3n y0uR p1ss1Ng c0Nt3sT 1S f1n1sh3D, m3anwH1l3 1'll p0uR myS3Lf 4 gL4SS."
"Well then! I think it would be very unorthodox for you not to fucking share, yes Doc?"
"Y0U mU5t p4rD0n m3, C4ss4nDr4, tH1s B0ttL3 1s R3s3rv3D f0r d0CT0r5 0Nly."
"Well I call fucking bullshit on that..."
My observation of this scene leads me to believe that while tension is deeply seated on each corner of the room, our sister manages to bring out a sort of middle ground--and then we all return to the matter at hand.
"You're not going to answer my question, are you, Doc?"
"G1v3 y0uR s1bL1nG 4 Ch4nC3."
"Entonces, as it is my turn now, I'll tell you what I like most about that mujer. Algo sobre ella resonates with me, you know. It's like whenever you are around her, I am always reminded of that bonfire we shared. The warmth of it, but also the calm. Whenever I am around her, I don't have to even touch her to feel that--to be reminded of it. But that is not all--besides from the warmth and peace that she brings me, at the same time I feel like dancing. Like I can hear music that is not there. She makes me feel like we're in our own burbuja. This bubble of warmth and calm and music. The best part is when we do touch--it is a completely different tune. Luego la musica grows louder...and I'm lost in her. Completamente."
"1 B3L13v3 y0u 4R3 n3xT, R0m4n."
"I--I actually would like to go next, Doc."
"Oh So Now You Want To Participate..."
"Well, We Are Here To Work Together. Go Ahead... T."
My observation indicates that Theo is ready to share, but he also shuffles in his chair, almost giving off a vibe that he is uncomfortable. This observation makes me uneasy. He was never good at sharing in front of any of us. I could always tell when he was lying--but I was never allowed to participate, or get involved... just to observe.
"My love...my Queen. OUR Queen... What I like most about her is that she truly is...our weakness. The woman I'd kill for, die for...the woman I'd set the world on fire for. No matter what it costs me, as long as she's safe. As you all know, I've made a mistake, a huge one--"
"T... that is done and over with..."
"--allow me to speak, Cassandra."
"Sorry, love... continue."
"As I was saying, I have done a terrible thing and I will atone for it, I hurt the woman I care most about because I thought what--that hiding it, that ignoring it, it would be best for her? I was mistaken. And I do not often admit my faults. So yes, I am angry now, enraged...at myself. I was the first to tell her that I loved her, and I was the first to hurt her. And I am sorry that you had to push her away because you thought it would be best for her to stay away from me, Z... I really am sorry for putting that on you. But you can only say "sorry" so many times before it starts to become redundant. And if there is one thing I am not, is redundant. So alright, Doc, you want me in therapy, I am all yours. I am doing this for her. Clearly I have a lot to learn...and she deserves the best part of me. She is my true weakness and I love her for it. She makes me human. She makes me feel...so many things...that I tried so hard to stay away from. And I'll be good-god-damned if I miss out on that. I need her. As we all do. As you all know you do."
"tH4nk Y0u, T, y0u w1LL d0 jUst f1n3."
"We're Here To Help, Doc... Seriously, We're All In This Together."
"y3s, w3 Ar3."
"Now, I'd Like To Point Out What I Like About Her The Most. With My Flower, I Feel Invincible, In The Sense Not That I Am Superhuman, But That I Do Not Have To Rely On My Secrets, I Don't Have To Succumb Myself Into The Dark, Into My Dark. I Can Be Open And Not Be Judged. I Can Be Me. Truly Me. And You Are Not The Only One That Made Mistakes Here, T, I Did Some Too, Big Ones. And I Too, Will Become Better. And I Know That In Order For That To Happen, I Need Her. I Need My Flower. She Keeps Me Honest. She Keeps My Flame....Alive. And Now I Know Why She's Ours. She's Ours Because She Was Meant To Be."
"y3s, L1k3 y0u 4R3 fR33 wH3n yOu'R3 wItH h3r. nO L0ng3R tRaPP3d iN Th1s B0dY, Th1s C4g3."
Observation: they are happy, all of them, including Doc...including me. I want to intervene, say something, but I am not allowed. I know I can only observe. But they are all correct; Sekhmet is our window. We see ourselves through her eyes, and we are safe. We are warm. We are...who we are. And we are hers.
"1 b3L1ev3 w3 4r3 f1n1sH3D h3r3."
Observation: as Doc walks towards the door of his office and opens it, he takes another sip of his wine, then he motions us out. I finish jotting down my last thoughts and I leave the office last, but not before I look at Doc. He looks me straight in the eyes and smiles. I haven't seen Doc smile like that in a while...perhaps too long. And then I know...
...it's because of her.