He who resides in the machine,
He who types away all those quotes in the books,
He who whispers in my ears,
Dear God,
do you believe in me?
I don't believe in you.
If gods are real,
why am I standing here?
Do you see what's happened,
the suffering and the pain?
Do you think it fair,
as you sit there in your lair?
Well, then, let me show you a secret,
let me show you my side,
he who would disgrace your name,
and embrace it for himself.
I am sure you've met,
Truth be told,
it's been written in stone--
Just like in Egypt,
his name of believers was Set.
Wears the same color,
you'd know,
I gave it to him.
So I'll reap what I sow.
But my Truth is different.
That is to come true.
I have something planned for him.
The storm coming is me,
he is merely the rain,
but thunder is pain,
and a masochist cannot exist without it,
without me.

what his true nature he would have never sought.
I will show him his true nature,
the reason why I sold him out,
years of torture,
this is what's been brought.
Do you hear that, brother?
Do you hear that Truth?
Pain is coming.
And its color is Blue.