"Did... did it hurt?"
"What's That, Little One?"
"To be... made? Created, I guess?"
"No, Do Not Be Silly. I Feel No Pain."
"That's... fucking convenient."
I looked him in the eyes, and they looked cold...very decisive and concentrated. He frightened me...because I felt he needed no one.
First Death
"Where are we going, Truth?"
"The Labyrinth. It Is A Test. To See How Strong You Are."
"Hm.. so like a maze? A puzzle?"
"Yes, Dear Sister. A Fun One."
"Fuck... This place is huge; like, where the hell am-- wait a minute. I've been down this path before. I think? Shit."
"And this is supposed to do what, exactly?"
"Make Her Strong."
"Right... but what happens when she runs into Orange?"
"You Have To Grab The Bull By The Horns, Blue."
*Coughing up blood*
"F--fuck, fuck. It's strong... can't-- How the hell am I supposed to beat this damn thing? Truth! God damn it, where are you? I need you!"
*bull snorts*
"H-h-hey, there, fella, look, I really don't want to have to kill you, okay? Can we just talk about this? You already dislocated my arm, and I'm pretty sure a couple ribs are broken. *cough cough* Fuck... this is fucked. Listen, bull-man-thing-um.. look, I want to get out of here as bad as you, okay? How about we find the exit together?
*bull charges at her, impaling her*
*coughs more blood*
"F-fuck, oh god, it hurts, fuck! Please make it stop... Truth! Truth?! Please it hurts!"
*bleeds to death*

"You need to stop it, T! He needs your help! Can't you see what's happening? He's lost his vision! He can't see!"
"The Child Brought That On Himself. He Deserves Everything That Happened. I Am More Concerned About Orange."
"You bastard! He's just a kid!"
"I Warned Him. He Did Not Listen."
Twelfth Death
"No, no, if you're going to cut, you have to do it vertical. Then you bleed out quicker."
"Cass? Why would you say that? Have you done this before?"
"You've read my stories, Z... And yes. In here, I do it all the time in my room."
"Jeezus, Cass."

"You're stupid, you're going to get in trouble, if you keep doing this shit!"
*keeps drinking*
"What do you know, Cass... I'm just having some fun!"
"God damn it, Z! Get your shit together!"
Twenty-Eight Death
"You can't lock me away! I am not fucking insane! You're the insane one! Stop it, stop it!"
"H0ld h3r t1ght, pl3453, 0r 1 c4nn0t 0p3r4t3!"
"You sure about this, Doc?"
"D0 n0t qu35t10n m3, R0j0."
"What--What In The Red Hell Is Going On Here?"
"W41t 0ut51d3, R3d. 45 1 45k3d, pr3v10u5ly."
"Unhand Her. Now."
"R0j0, 1f y0u pl3453. T4k3 c4r3 0f R3d h3r3."
"My pleasure, Doc. Alright, asshole. Let's go! Move it!"
"Cassandra! No, Let Me In, You Cockroach!"
"No, please, T, help me! I don't know what's happening, please!"
*instruments and metal objects clatter/electrical noise*
"Pleaseee why are you doing this, stop!"

"So... what the hell happened?"
"I Am Afraid Z Betrayed Me. Betrayed Us All. I Had To Do What Was Needed To Protect The Others. To Protect You."
"I should have been there for him."
"Why On Earth Would You Think That? He Wouldn't Do The Same For You. You Know He Despises You."
"We're still siblings, T. That's never going to change."
"I Am The Only One You Can Trust. The Only One That Will Always Have Your Back."
"He's carried your ass this entire time."
*grabs her by the neck*
"How Dare You?! I Am The One Carrying Him! Carrying All Of You! I Am The God Here! I'm In Charge!"
Eighty-Ninth Death
"Rot... what the fuck are you doing here?"
"Hello, Cassie. It's Roman now."
"What the fuck?"
"My name. I go by Roman now."
"Roman... Hmm. I like it. Doesn't answer my question, what the fuck do you want? I told you I was to be left alone."
"It's T. He's out of--out of cont-control."
"You're...stuttering again. What's going on? Are you okay?"
"Please help--please--please help me--help me me help stop him."
"That motherfucker."
"Do Not Push My Hand, Cassandra."
"I should be the one telling you that, what the fuck were you thinking?"
"I Told You. I'm In Charge Here."
"Please don't make me do this."
"I Never Made You Do Anything. I Only Ever Wanted You To Be Strong."
*she charges at him, knives in both hands*
*stabs him in the chest*
"You asshole, I told you not to make me come back. Ever!"
*continues stabbing, violently, forcefully*
"I fucking told you not to make me come back! I fucking told you!"
*cuts on his face, his neck, his arms*
"Look at what you made me do! You fucking asshole, I loved you look at what you're making me do!"
*Truth's body lays on the ground, covered in cuts, tears; blood soaking his clothes*
"You fucking asshole! No, no, no! Look at you, look at you, you fucking fuck!"
*continues stabbing*
"Please, fuck, please, I told you to kill me! I told you to fucking kill me! Why didn't you kill me!"
*starts crying, Truth's body unmoving--still. Quiet.*
*keeps crying, tears mixing in with blood splatter*
"Why, why did you do this... Brother...brother please wake up."
*drops knives on the ground, stares at him*
"Brother please...please say something... you asshole. Please."
"T... Truth! Truth, please! Say something!"
"No, no, no you asshole don't do this to me!"
*she kisses his lips, softly*
"I'm so sorry..."
*grabs knives*
"I'm so fucking sorry."
*stabs herself in the heart*
*chokes on her own blood*
[From afar, overlooking the scene]
"Comme c'est poétique."
"Is it beautiful, Mister?"