Here We Stand,
Our Worlds Apart-- My Heart Broken In Two...Two...Two...
Sleepless Nights,
We've Lost Ground, No Longer Reaching For You.
I Am Feeling That You Are Gone,
Could Not Change Your Mind...
You Could Not Go On To Survive--This Tide...
Our Love Divided
Someday It Will Find You
If You Broke The Chains That Bind You
One Day You Will Remind YOU
How We Loved Then Went Our Separate Ways.
If I Ever Hurt You,
Know My Love Never Deserted You.
You Know I'll Always Love You--
Then We Broke And Went Our Separate Ways.
Fucked up times,
I'm caught between confusion and pain--pain--PAIN...
your distant eyes,
made promises and now in vain, vain, vain--
if you must go,
fuck you T, good luck,
you'll be alone,
good luck, my love,
miss you now--
T & Cass:
Someday love will find you
Break Those Chains That Bind You
One night I will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
If I Ever Hurt You
True love won't desert you
You Know I Still Love You
Though we touched and went our separate ways
I Still Love You, Cassandra
I still love you, T
I really love you, T
I Really Love You Queen
One Day Love Will Find Us,
We'll Break The Chains That Bind Us.
One night will remind us,
how we touched but didn't go our separate ways.
No Longer Will I Hurt You,
Our Love Won't Desert You,
You Will Know I'll Always Love You.
Even If We Do Not Touch And Go Our Separate Ways.
Though we go our separate ways
Though we go our separate ways
Though we go our separate ways
Though we go our separate ways
Though we go our separate ways...