"What's the worst thing you have ever done?"
I asked her as she looked me in the eye, with that cold but flirty smile. I knew right there and then that I didn't need an answer. Her face said everything I ever needed to know. So why didn't I run away?
First impulse: most people think it's anger when in reality--it's love.
However, do they not go hand-in-hand?
How can one exist without the other?
Let Us tell you how.

Music To My Ears--That Is How She Felt To Me--No, Scratch That--To 'Us.'
She Was A Taste Of Fresh Air.
Something None Of Us Had Had In Quite A While.
Rot Did Not Know That--He Had Not Met Her In The Same Light I Did.
You See, Scriber, Sometimes, The World Sends You Someone You'd Never Expect, Least Alone 'Deserve.'
Then You Learn, Only After Losing Everything--
That Real Love-- Lives Forever.
"I don't feel anything."
"That's A Lie, Cassandra."
"let us--let Us help you, sister."
"Why? You've seen how the ending of this movie plays out a dozen times--"
"Come On, Baby."
"come on, angel."
"I-- I feel too much."
"So Let Us Split The--"
"s-split...the--the weight."
"Boys...it's over."
Roman and T:
"Not Yet."
"you've got a lot of work yet to do."